杨长宪 博士,副教授
4166全球赢家的信心之选 林学系,湖北,武汉,430070
1.博士学位论文“番茄Wo 基因调控表皮毛形成和胚胎发育的机理解析”被评为2013年全国优秀博士学位论文,杨长宪,2014年3月;
4.博士学位论文“番茄Wo 基因调控表皮毛形成和胚胎发育的机理解析”被评为2012年湖北省优秀博士学位论文,杨长宪,2012年12月;
5.发表论文“A regulatory pathway induces trichome formation and embryo lethality in tomato”获得湖北省自然科学优秀论文一等奖,杨长宪,2011年。
1.Chang J, Yu T, Gao S, Xiong C, Xie Q, Li H, Ye Z, Yang C* (corresponding author). Fine mapping of the dialytic gene that controls multicellular trichome formation and stamen development in tomato. TheorAppl Genet, 2016, 129: 1531-1539
2.Fan M, Gao S, Ren J, Yang Q, Li H, Yang C*, Ye Z*. Overexpression of SlRBZ results in chlorosis and dwarfism through impairing chlorophyll, carotenoid, and gibberellin biosynthesis in tomato. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 907
3.Li J, Ouyang B, Wang T, Luo Z, Yang C, Li H, Sima W, Zhang J*, Ye Z*. HyPRP1 gene suppressed by multiple stresses plays a negative role in abiotic stress tolerance in tomato. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 967
4.Gao Y, Gao S, Xiong C, Yu G, Chang J, Ye Z, Yang C*. Comprehensive analysis and expression profile of the homeodomainleucine zipper IV transcription factor family in tomato. Plant PhysiolBioch, 2015, 96: 141-153
5.Yang C?, Gao Y? (co-first author), Gao S, Yu G, Xiong C, Chang J, Li H, Ye Z*. Transcriptome profile analysis of cell proliferation molecular processes during multicellular trichome formation induced by tomato Wov gene in tobacco. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:868
6.Luo Z, Zhang J, Li J, Yang C, Wang T, Ouyang B, Li H, Giovannoni J, Ye Z*. A STAY-GREEN protein SlSGR1 regulates lycopene and beta-carotene accumulation by interacting directly with SlPSY1 during ripening processes in tomato. New Phytol, 2013, 198: 442-452
7.Li J, Sima W, Ouyang B, Luo Z, Yang C, Ye Z, Li H*. Identification and expression pattern of a ZPR1 gene in wild tomato (Solanumpennellii),Plant MolBiol Rep, 2013, 31: 409-417
8.Zhang C, Ouyang B, Yang C, Zhang X, Liu H, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Li H, Ye Z*. Reducing AsA leads to leaf lesion and defence response in knock-down of the AsA biosynthetic enzyme GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase gene in tomato plant. PLos One, 2013, 8: e61987
9.Yang C, Li H, Zhang J, Wang T, Ye Z*. Fine-mapping of the woolly gene controlling multicellular trichome formation and embryonic development in tomato. TheorAppl Genet, 2011, 123: 625–633
10.Yang C, Li H, Zhang J, Luo Z, Gong P, Zhang C, Li J, Wang T, Zhang Y, Lu Y, Ye Z*. A regulatory gene induces trichome formation and embryo lethality in tomato. ProcNatlAcadSci USA, 2011, 108: 11836–11841
11.Yang C, Ye Z*. Trichomes as models for studying plant cell differentiation. Cell Mol Life Sci, 70:1937-1948
12.Gong P, Zhang J, Li H, Yang C, Zhang C, Zhang X, Khurram Z, Zhang Y, Wang T, Fei Z, Ye Z*. Transcriptional profiles of drought-responsive genes in modulating transcription signal transduction, and biochemical pathways in tomato. J Exp Bot, 2010, 61: 3563-3575
李汉霞,杨长宪,叶志彪,王涛涛,张俊红,张余洋,卢永恩. 一种控制番茄茸毛发生的关键基因Wo的克隆及应用,申请号:201010234223.6,国家专利与知识产权局。